Denali National Park: Overview

Ever since I had an inkling that I might get to go to Alaska, there was one destination in my hopeful itinerary that was absolutely non-negotiable, and that was Denali National Park and Preserve. Long-ago family vacations to Yellowstone National Park and the Great Smoky Mountains sparked my fascination and love for our amazing national parks; a trip to the Rockies more than a decade later cemented my belief that there is no vacation that could trump the rush I feel when I explore our national parks. Standing mesmerized on the lip of the unfathomably blue Crater Lake or contemplating the endless labyrinths of Mammoth Cave are splendid experiences, but Denali always churned endlessly in my grand travel schemes. And I know my pictures won’t do it any justice. Nevertheless, I have taken hundreds of them, from the mountain peaks to the braided river bottoms, from the taiga to the tundra, from the crowded stands of trees to the sweeping valleys, I have tried to capture the beauty of this place in some small way.

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5 Responses to Denali National Park: Overview

  1. Dave Wohlfarth says:

    Jenny, I knew you’d love Denali & Alaska. Fabulous photos.
    Love, Pop

  2. mama says:

    Unbelievable pictures—- I maybe had heard the name Denali but had no idea what it really was or your love of it sight unseen !!! Love ya

  3. Wanda Irish says:

    stunning photos!!!

  4. Mims says:

    So beautiful! Love your pictures and stories-enjoy your last week in Alaska šŸ™‚

  5. Jathan says:

    Heather and I loved the note from Denali! What a fabulous surprise that was, especially since Heather has always wanted to go there. I didn’t know much about it, but now that I’m seeing your pictures and hearing your stories, I can’t wait to go. So what kind of people are you meeting up there? Have you met any Eskimos?

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